
Research data in general

"Digital data from research projects (experiments, surveys and measurements, including metadata [data that provides information on other data] and data processing details) are available online without restriction to all potential users. Open access to research data includes the ability to use, modify and share the data with anyone freely. "

Opening up research data as an emerging trend

Grant providers emphasise opening up research data. Since 2014, it has been a condition of selected research areas of the EU Horizon 2020 program; since 2017, the obligation has been extended to all supported projects. Similar requirements are already in place or prepared by other national (GAČR, TAČR) and international program schemes (e.g. Horizon Europe).

  • Recommendations also occur within the National R & D & I Policy 2021+ and subsequent interventions of support providers
  • Obligations for MUNI employees and students how to proceed in the acquisition, storage and use of research data are currently regulated by the MUNI Research Data Directive
  • Activities around the management of research data across research institutions in the Czech Republic are dealt with by the Czech working group for the management of research data

Open (FAIR) Data

Research data shared through open access must be:

  • complete
  • easily accessible
  • machine-readable
  • using standards with a freely available specification
  • made available under clearly defined conditions of use of research data with a minimum restrictions and available to users at the lowest possible cost

Open access to research data is usually implemented through electronic ones data repositories Research data must be made available in a form that further uses will allow both from a technical and legal point of view Access, use, reproduction and dissemination of data must be free of charge In practice, these are:

1. Accompanying data to the publication "Data needed to validate the results related to the scientific publication metadata. "


2. Separate research datasets "Additional data and related metadata associated with the research project" (and are listed in the so-called Data Management Plan)

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