Research data collection and processing

Research data types


  • text (plain text files, formatted texts in a word processor, etc.)
  • tabular (plain text files with value and line separators, formatted tables from spreadsheets, etc.)
  • static image (raster or vector graphics)
  • moving video audio data executable program (in the form of binary code, text script, etc.)
  • non-executable source code of the program (which must be converted to an executable form or interpreted by a suitable interpreter before execution)
  • database data (in the form of a binary representation of a specific database software implementation, in the form of a textual representation of data, data types and relationships between them in some standard SQL-type language, etc.)
  • 3D models (created by scanning physical objects with special devices, created on a computer for film animations, production of machine parts, construction of buildings, etc.)
  • outputs of various measuring devices (magnetic resonance in medicine, radio telescope in astronomy, voltmeter in electrical engineering, etc.; typically in the specific format of the given device, which can be converted to tabular data, database data, etc.)
  • a combination of the above (e.g. video with sound)



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