Open Access to scientific publications refers to:
- Peer-reviewed scientific-research journal articles and their manuscript-authored versions
- Conference contributions, monographs, anthological articles, textbooks and commentary-type publications containing scientific information
What is it about:
This is free and unlimited online access to this information with authorization for further use of the content through so-called public licenses.
How can the project condition be fulfilled:
The Open Access project condition can be fulfilled in two basic ways. It is possible to choose (according to the license conditions of the publisher):
- The gold way - publishing in open journals (OA provided by publishers)
- The green way - auto-archiving (publication) in open repositories (OA provided by authors)
There are other ways, too:
Hybrid way (Hybrid OA) - the journal is available as part of a subscription, only selected articles. If the author pays the fee for open publishing, it is published in the Open Access mode. For the institution, however, this is a so-called double payment. For this reason, for some providers, this path is not tolerated as a fulfilment of the OA project conditions (e.g. Horizon Europe).
Bronze Path (Bronze OA) - publishing in journals without an attached license
Platinum/Diamond Path (Diamond OA) - publishing in open access journals without APC
Types of publication outputs (possible versions of the article)
the draft of the article
the version of the article before the peer review
the version of the article after the peer review
Published Version
the version intended for publication
Version of Record
the published version of the article
Advantages of Open Access